I talk a lot about eating fish
for Lyme. Here’s a little bit about why!
Fish is one of the highest quality proteins you can get – and it is
pretty clean, not typically pumped so full of antibiotics, corn, and manure. It is
also a more alkaline option, helping reduce the acidity in your body’s
environment. The more acidic your
insides, the more prone to pain it’s going to be.
I know fish is more expensive,
but any way you can, eat fish! Sardines
are a great, cheap option. It really
ought to be wild-caught (this means caught out in the wild, at sea). The converse is farmed (this means raised
off-shore in a huge netted cage and fed corn and antibiotics). Many people are also concerned about
mercury-levels in fish and for good reason.
Mercury is a heavy metal that accumulates in the body and can wreak
havoc on your neurological system (sound familiar, Lymies?). When it comes to mercury-free fish, there
are two things to consider. 1) The smaller
the fish, the better. The rationale
behind this is based on a process called biomagnification. The higher you get up the food chain, the
more concentrated the mercury becomes.
Example: sardines are eaten by the bigger halibut, who are eaten by the
bigger tuna. So that tuna has all the
mercury in the sardine and in the halibut.
The other thing to consider, 2) the type of fish. There are some fish species that are more
likely to have higher levels of mercury in them. Here is the list (it’s very pretty and short,
even though the link to it isn’t): http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&tbnid=c_jP2Qoe22psVM:&imgrefurl=http://www.facebook.com/note.php%3Fnote_id%3D237253729646499&docid=tOiysI-6otYqNM&imgurl=http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/254772_249463321742545_109805375708341_796591_6097407_n.jpg&w=698&h=448&ei=RsRTT-i8NoTxggfF8unADQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=170&vpy=159&dur=182&hovh=180&hovw=280&tx=169&ty=107&sig=107436883524958436492&page=1&tbnh=115&tbnw=179&start=0&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0
while it’s best to get fish that has the least amount of mercury, don’t forget
that there are more sources of much higher exposure to mercury. Consider that the World Health Organization
says that the highest risk of mercury exposure to humans is dental amalgam
(those silver-looking fillings for cavaties) "exposing the
concerned population to mercury levels significantly
exceeding those set for food and for air." Here's link to what the WHO has
to say. http://www.who.int/ water_sanitation_health/ medicalwaste/ mercurypolpaper.pdf
My take is that you should do your
best to eat fish less contaminated by mercury, but not to fret too too much. Especially if you have amalgam fillings (like
me). Those are exposing you to much more
mercury on a much more consistent basis than fish. To get your amalgam fillings removed, you
need to find a dental office that specializes in this, as your regular dentist
office probably doesn’t. And they will
probably tell you that dental amalgam is not a source of mercury exposure since
that’s the American Dental Association’s stance. (Hmmm, an American association telling you
that you don’t have to worry, it’s not real?
Why, you don’t say…)
Now back to fish. Aside from being an all around good protein,
fish is also rich in fatty acids that your body needs for many functions – from
immunity to good, healthy skin to brain function. It’s just a high quality, nutrient-dense
food, a much better option than beef or even chicken. Plus, Jesus ate a lot of it. So that’s gotta be a good thing – the food of
the Gods then, right? (Hehehe)
I’m not a huge fan of the taste
of fish – and most people probably aren’t either. The key is: lots of lemon juice, lots of
pepper, and a new one I just discovered – lots of dill. Or you can start with smoked fish – smoked fish
is soooo yummy, probably because it doesn’t taste much like fish anymore. Also, eat fish with a side dish you like –
like steamed broccoli or something. Having a solid side dish of veggies that you
know you like is really good for the in-between bites of fish. Sauteed onions is great, if you like onions –
the taste is so strong, it will really help mask the fish taste.
I wrote a haiku in honor of fish.
The scaly fish swims.
Cold, clear, crisp water flows
Nature feeds me well.
(Hahhahaha…I’m just tickled with
my haiku attempt.)
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